Minster  27    Coldwater  6


Minster scored in every quarter except the first to defeat the Coldwater Cavaliers at home, 27-6.


Dale Hogenkamp scored a pair of touchdowns in the second quarter, scoring the first one from the 13-yard line and the second from the six yard line.  Howard Harting made it 14-6 at the half by going over from the three.


Minster quarterback Rollie Bernhold snuck over from the two in the third period and Bernhold passed 23 yards to Bob Tebbe in the final period.


Minster rolled up 22 first downs to 15 for the visitors.  Burger added three points after touchdown from placement.


Scoring by quarters:

Minster             0     14     6     7          27

Coldwater         0      6      0     0           6