2023 WBC Pro Golf Tournament Format

Pro Golf – WBC 2023 Notes


Same as 2022!!

1)      Recognizing the challenges of an aging field, there will be new, larger golfer cards printed with a larger font.

2)      We are returning to Augusta National this year to once again take on The Masters!  Pebble Beach will be used for the championship Skins Game.


It is an event that draws people who have rarely played games before, as well as members who have played games 14 hours a day since the first Avaloncon in 1981. 
It is an event where Lisa Gutermuth, Pete Stein, Sean McCulloch, Debbie Gutermuth, Chris Kizer, Mark Yoshikawa and Thomas Browne prove yearly that none of them can roll actual dice as well as they roll online dice.
It is an event mastered by two-time champion David Metzger, though there were 19 years between his two victories.
It is an event Harry Flawd can win and not remember it the next morning.

It is an event that makes Don Greenwood shake his head in wonder at the human race.

It is PRO GOLF!!


Tournament Format
1)  The tournament will be played with all the 1st Edition Rules, which came with the sets containing the original Augusta National course.
2)  The tournament will consist of two rounds.
3)  Round #1 will be played on the 2002 Augusta National course.  Each group in this round must have at least three players.
4)  There will be a 75 minute time limit to finish the first round (rounds must be reported to the GM by 12:30 to be eligible to advance).
5)  The top 4 players (5 if necessary) after these 18 holes will advance to a Final Four Skins Game (played off the auction stage!)
6)  Any ties will enter a sudden death playoff beginning on the first hole of the Muirfield Village course.
7)  The Skins Game will be played on the first 12 holes of the Pebble Beach course.
    a)  Whenever a player's final position is guaranteed, they will be removed from the rest of the Skins game.
    b)  Extra holes will be played until the final Skins are earned if there is a tie on the 12th hole.  No new Skins will accumulate from these extra holes.
8)  All course booklets and golfer cards will be available from the GM only.  No one will be permitted to use their own course booklets or golfers.

Rules Clarifications
1)  The tournament will be played with all the 1st Edition Rules, which came with the sets containing the original Augusta National course.
2)  This means we will not be using the Trouble or Gambling rules.
3)  The Second Edition rules allow the players to ignore the parenthesized negative modifiers to shots if they roll doubles.  This rule will NOT be used.

1)  Roll lots of high numbers.
2)  Whenever given the option to lay up or go for the green, always GO FOR THE GREEN.

Last Updated November 22, 2022